What Is Python Used For

lella keerthi
2 min readMay 3, 2021


What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose coding language — which means that, unlike HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it can be used for other types of programming and software development besides web development. know more at python online training

That includes back end development, software development, data science and writing system scripts among other things.


OK, we couldn’t not mention this:

The name isn’t some complicated tech metaphor or a complicated acronym. Python is named after Monty Python.

According to “When he began implementing Python, Guido van Rossum was also reading the published scripts from ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’…he needed a name that was short, unique, and slightly mysterious, so he decided to call the language Python.”

Cool, right? Factoids aside, let’s get to the meat of this article — specifically, what people use Python for and what makes it distinct from other coding languages.

What is Python Used For?


Python is one of the simplest programming languages, and we mean that in a good way.

According to “Python, unlike other programming languages, emphasizes code readability, and allows you to use English keywords instead of punctuation…The readable and clean code base will help you to maintain and update the software without putting extra time and effort.”

According to Treehouse’s Python teacher, Kenneth Love (this quote comes from the video below), “It’s basically everywhere. It’s super small, so it shows up on embedded devices and pretty much every server, ever.”

And by everywhere, we mean everywhere. Treehouse points out that Disqus, NASA, PBS, and even Reddit use Python for their websites.

Because Python has pre-built libraries and web frameworks including Pyramid, , it’s especially great for using on back end web development projects, shortening the amount of time you spend on projects by allowing you to repurpose chunks of code. know more at python training


Python is also used for scientific research and computing and even has several science-friendly or science-specific libraries including:

  • Astropy for astronomy
  • Biopython for biology and bioinformatics
  • Graph-tool for statistical analysis of graphs
  • Psychopy for neuroscience and experimental psychology

And lots, lots more. Here’s a. Python’s role in parsing data is definitely one great advantage of learning it. Thanks to the undeniable rise of data science, chances are that more and more tech roles will revolve around it — and you’ll already have one of the leading languages in your toolkit.


Yes, technically, machine learning falls under data science (#2 on our list), but bear with me here. Using Python for machine learning is pretty cool, so it felt like it warranted an additional line item.

Machine learning includes things like speech recognition, financial services, even the recommendations Netflix serves up every time you log in that make you think, “How do they know?!” (Although, fun fact: Netflix also employs a team that manually tags videos as well.) know more at python training course

Python is used for machine learning via specific machine learning libraries and frameworks including scikit-learn and TensorFlow.



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