SAP PP Interview Questions

lella keerthi
6 min readMay 24, 2021


1) What do you mean by the term production?

Ans: It is basically the manufacturing of goods and services or shaping them in a form which is required by the users. There are certain things that the product or the services has to go through and each step aims to make the product or services better than the previous. Production can be in-house or outhouse. know more at SAP PP online training

Q2) What do you mean by the term Batch production? Do you think the SAP PP is good enough to be trusted for the same?

Ans: For organizations, it is not always easy to build a project easily. They therefore build it up in small slots which are also known as batch. Each section of the product is build by a specific team with similar objective. Batch production simply makes sure of error elimination at the right time. It is one of the best production methods that are widely adopted. SAP PP has dedicated features for this and it is possible for the users to keep an eye on all the batches with the help of this tool.

Q3) Can you name a few steps in the production execution process which are of prime importance?

Ans: The very first thing is converting the planned order into a production one. Next thing about which users should pay attention to is releasing the production order post which the goods are issued. The receiver then acknowledges the same and finally the receipts are matched.

Q4) How the SAP PP tool is good enough to be considered for the production planning in an effective manner?

Ans: This tool assures a diverse array of benefits to those who go for it. It brings a very large number of benefits and can simply enable the users to keep up the pace with all the right strategies in a delightful manner. Some of the best things about this tool are spotlighted below.

  • It make sure of effective utilization of resources
  • It enables a business to capture the market in a very delightful manner
  • Organizations can make sure of steady flow of production
  • Resources can easily be estimated with it
  • The overall productivity of the labor can easily be enhanced
  • It always make sure of optimum inventory
  • It simply facilitates the quality improvement
  • A lot of production cost can be saved easily

Q5) What are the factors that can help you in preparing the Production Budget?

Ans: This can be done by paying attention of various factors which are as below:

1. The very first thing to consider is the quality of the product
2. The overall number of units to be manufactured in a specific time period
3. The demand of the product
4. The overall number of resources to be deployed in the production team
5. Time period of the project
6. Any special requirements

Q6) Do you think SAP PP is useful when it comes to getting the authorization of the product?

Ans: Yes, it is very beneficial in this matter. It simply makes sure of all the standards are followed during the pre and post production. This is exactly when that enables businesses in assuring the authorization of the product in a very reliable manner. know more at SAP PP training

Q7) Is it possible to get a product ready for inspection through the SAP PP?

Ans: SAP Production Planning tool is a powerful one. It simply guides the users on adopting various strategies and methods that are useful in proper production without compromising with the quality. SAP PP tool help eliminating various errors and bugs that affects the quality. Therefore, it contributes a lot in proper production planning and getting a product ready and friendly with the inspection process in a reliable manner.

Q8) What do you mean by the term planning horizon?

Ans: It is basically a defined time period of a production plan. Depending on the type and nature of product, its overall duration can vary largely

Q9) Does Resource allocation have a role in proper implementation of the Product planning approach?

Ans: Resource allocation is one of the prime necessities for the same. It simply makes sure right employees and human resources are assigned for tasks that are complex and need additional attention. With proper resource allocation, it is possible for the organizations to avoid several hassles that declare their presence in the production.

Q10) What is Productive capacity in SAP PP and how it is useful for the organization?

Ans: It is basically a feature in the SAP Production Planning tool which guides the users about the upper limit of production they can handle with the overall number of resources they have.

It simply help determining the organizations about the exact time, resources, planning, investment and other needs they have to accomplish a production process easily.

Q11) Compare in-house and out-house production processes?

Ans: In-house production is when an organization or a business develop their products or services in their own arena though their own tools, skills and technology. In-house production need huge cost in the initial stage but it offers large-scale benefits for the long run. Out-house production means getting a product or a service ready by an organization from a third-party source. This is also known as outsourcing. This is done when an organization lacks the basic or the advance requirement for the production such as required skills, experience, technology, investment and so on. Both in-house and out-house has their own pros and cons associated with them both together.

Q12) Can you name a few strategies that can help making product planning more superior without investing additional money?

Ans: 1. Assuring the level of production required with resources already existing
2. Determining the future needs of the buyers/users
3. Factory load determination
4. Setting and maintaining delivery orders
5. Scheduling the entire plan

Q13) How mass production is a good approach according to you?

Ans: It is basically manufacturing or production of a very large amount of units. Not all the products are required to be produced in bulk actually except the ones which are higher in demand. The users are free to simply make sure or favorable outcomes through this method of production because bulk production always helps in cost cutting.

Q14) Name the important activities that are a part of any product process?

Ans: These are processing the material master and creating the bill, displaying work center, defining MRP, range of coverage as well as marinating the quota file.

Q15) While manufacturing a product, what exactly are the factors that are to be of significance importance? Can SAP PP is useful in helping users following the same?

Ans: There are certain things actually which needs the close attention of the core management during production processes. A few of them are:

1. Paying attention to the quality of the product
2. The overall demand
3. Manufacturing policies and standards to be followed
4. Environmental cause
5. Overall usefulness of the product
6. Production authorization

Q16) How Production planning is related with the material requirement?

Ans: Material requirement is actually one of the important principles of production planning. The planners have to make sure that the entire raw material remains available all the time. Generally, they have to make sure of availability of at least 10 days stock depending on the type of production. All the orders about the raw material should be placed on time.

Q17) What according to you are the prime requirements for production planning?

Ans: These are right equipments, workforce, technology, controls and processes know more at SAP PP training course

Q18) What are the various factors to pay attention to in order to avoid errors from the production?

Ans: The problems are necessary to be formulated whenever they are traced. The first thing that can help avoiding them is verification of the inventory with respect to time. All the suppliers should be qualified and organization must understand the true benefits of investing on quality. With these corrective actions, it is possible to deal with the issues that often declare their presence in the production.

Q19) What is the role of data which is present in the work centers in SAP PP?

Ans: They are loaded with some important data which simply make sure of costing and similar factors. In addition to this, they make sure of proper scheduling of everything. This is useful for calculating the overall duration of an object. Also, it makes sure of capacity planning and performing the operation maintenance manually and easily.



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