MuleSoft Interview Questions

lella keerthi
6 min readMay 13, 2021


Q1. What is MuleSoft?

Ans. MuleSoft is a solution based cluster that integrates Data, Applications, and APIs on-premises and over the cloud platform.

MuleSoft works on the AnyPoint Connectivity Model which helps in connecting any existing SaaS-based applications or set of APIs through one single API interface. know more at Mulesoft online training

The architecture is service-oriented which gives the flexibility to access all the required applications through this integration.

MuleSoft owns the Programmable Web portal that is widely used by application developers to help them build web, mobile, and other user applications.

So Mule is the most popularly used application integration and communication platform for business needs.

Q2. What is Mule ESB?

Ans. ESB stands for enterprise service bus, Mule is a runtime engine of the Java-based ESB integration platform. It allows the development teams to connect and access flexibly and easily exchange data.

It helps to enable easy integrations between application platforms without creating fuzz about different technologies being used by the applications (such as HTTP, SaaS, Payment Gateways, Web services, JMS).

EBS can be implemented and deployed anywhere in the application network. It triggers events in real-time or in the batch system providing global connectivity.

Q3. Why Mule ESB is so popular?

Ans. Mule Soft is a lightweight technology that supports a high level of scalability, which means it allows you to start small and scale as per your requirement. You can connect N number of application within a single environment which has zero restriction for Apps communication.

Mule Sot manages N number of application interactions with each other without restricting that application into the same VM interaction or other VM interaction. know more at mulesoft training course

It means even though the application is running into different VMs, they can interact with each other. Its flexibility with transportation protocol enables the interactions easily.

Q4. What are the Features of Mule ESB?

Ans. An ESB is used for integration using a service-oriented approach. Its main features are:

  • Set of Service Container
  • Message Transformation Service
  • Message Routing Service
  • Web Service Security

Q5. What are different types of Primitives used in Mediation?

Ans. These are the different types of primitives in mediation:

  • Message Filter
  • Type Filter
  • Endpoint Lookup
  • Service Invoke
  • Fan-out
  • Fan-in
  • XSLT
  • BO Map
  • Message Element Setter
  • DB lookup
  • Data Handler
  • Custom Mediation
  • Header Setters
  • Message Logger
  • Even Emitter
  • Stop
  • Fail
  • Sub Flow

Q6. What are various types of Exception Handling?


  • Choice Exception Handling.
  • Catch Exception Handling.
  • Rollback Exception Handling.
  • Global Exception Handling.
  • Default Exception Handling.

Q7. What is Shared Resource in Mule and how they have been used?

Ans. We can make connectors a reusable component by defining them as common resources and expose them to all applications deployed under the same domain, these resources are known as shared resources.

These shared resource needs to be defined inside Mule Domain Project and then referred to each of the projects that are meant to use the elements in it.

Q8. What are the different ESBs in the market?

Ans. There are various ESB’s available in the market. Some are opensource, some licensed:

  • Talend
  • Mule ESB
  • JBoss Fuse ESB

Q9. Various types of variables in mule?


  • Record Variable.
  • Flow Variable.
  • Session Variable.

Q10. What is the definition of Web Services?

Ans. Web service is a function or program in any language that can be accessed over HTTP. Message format can be XML or JSON or any other program as long as the other programs can understand and communicate.

Any web service has a server-client relationship. Web services can be synchronous or asynchronous. Any web service can have multiple clients.

Q11. How to find when the project needs ESB?

Ans. ESB implementation is not suitable for all projects. Proper analysis should be done if the use of ESB will really benefit the project.

Some of the points to be considered while analyzing the need of ESB are as follows:

  • If the project requires integrating 3 or more applications/services. If the need is to communicate between two applications, using point-to-point integration would suffice.
  • If the project would need to be scaled in the future where it might be needed to interact with more services in the future. Not all projects need this as they may perform not that big a task.
  • If the project needs message routing capabilities such as forking and aggregating message flows. Such features are not required by all projects.
  • Is the architecture of what is to be achieved clear. It’s much better to do simple POCs integrating small parts to evaluate the benefits.
  • Most ESBs are a costly affair. Does the project budget allow the use of ESB.

Q12. What are the different types of Flow Processing Strategies?

Ans. There are six different types of Flow Processing Strategies. They are

  • Asynchronous Flow Processing Strategy.
  • Custom Processing Strategy.
  • Thread Per Processing Strategy.
  • Queued Asynchronous Flow Processing Strategy.
  • Synchronous Flow Processing Strategy.
  • Non-blocking Flow Processing Strategy.
  • Queued Flow Processing Strategy.

Q13. How to create and consume SOAP service in Mule?


Creating SOAP Service — We can create a SOAP service the same as we create Mule Project With RAML, the only change is instead of RAML we need to import Concert WSDL.

Consuming SOAP Service — We can use Web Service Consumer or CXF component in our mule flow to access/consume SOAP service.

Q14. Explain ESB Integration core principles?


Transformation — Data transformation between canonical data formats and specific data formats required by each ESB connector. Transport protocol negotiation between multiple formats. Such as HTTP, JMS, JDBC.

Mediation — Providing multiple interfaces for the purpose of

a) supporting multiple versions of a service for backward compatibility or alternatively,

b) allowing for multiple channels to the same underlying component implementation. This second requirement may involve providing multiple interfaces to the same component, one legacy interface (flat file), and one standards-compliant (SOAP/XML) interface.

Non-functional consistency — For a typical ESB initiative, this can include consistency around the way security and monitoring policies are applied and implemented.

Mule ESB Interview Questions For Experienced:

Q15. How to select an ESB?


Usability: How complicated is the installation process? The learning curve of the ESB should not belong.

Maintainability: How to monitor the product? If any GUI terminal is available for monitoring the services.

Community: Is there an active community for the ESB. Various discussion forums, tutorials, etc. Enterprise Support- Is the product support reliable. What services are available.

Flexibility: Can the ESB be configured to meet the business requirements.

Reliability: The reliability of the ESB. Its current users and various case studies if available.

Cost: The cost of the ESB. Its Licence policies. Support costs. etc.

Q16. What does the statement “Any Point Platform” means to Mule Soft?

Ans. MuleSoft is a secure, robust, and highly scalable communication network that allows the application to do self-services, it helps organizations to integrate applications, data, and multiple devices in a flexible environment.

It is a hybrid application integration platform that includes ESB, unified solutions for APIs management, iPaaS, application design, and publishing.

MuleSoft allows using N number of software and tools which includes the below list

  • API Designer- Any Time Design Center
  • Any Point Studio- Any Point Design Center
  • API Manager-Any Point Management Center
  • API Analytics-Any Point Management Center
  • API Portal-Any Time Exchange
  • MCQs- Runtime Services
  • Mule ESB-Mule Runtime Engine
  • Any point Connectors
  • CloudHub- Hybrid Cloud
  • Mule Enterprise Management

Q17. What are the advantages of using an ESB?


  • High level of operational control from the central web-based portal.
  • Wide range of connectivity through more than 120 leading SaaS-based applications on-premises.
  • Ensuring zero message loss reliability and gives you high availability.
  • Custom code out of data mapping with graphical integration and transformation
  • Analytics and API Management
  • Equipped with thousands of automated tests and bug fixing techniques.
  • EDI/B2B Integration know more at Mulesoft online training
  • Batch Integration with Real-Time Integration techniques
  • Premium connectors for HL7, Oracle, Epic, and SAP.



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